Saturday, 19 September 2015


So I don't know about you but there have been so so so many times where I've been in TOTAL EMBARRASMENT at school so this post is going to show you how to live through it and not be ashamed.


EVENT - So basically your late for class, the bells gone and your running down the stairs at FULL SPEED and you suddenly trip or drop everything. And next thing you know all the other people on the staircase are falling down one after the other like dominoes. (Yeah not good) 

SOLUTION - but  anyway you can't reverse what just happened so you have to just live with it and forget about it. don't be ashamed, don't get all flustered just say sorry and walk off to class with Pride.

2. "POOP SHY"💩

EVENT - So we've all been there where we need to do out bussines and go to the bathroom with relief but then there's either somebody in the bathroom already of somebody walks in and you can't do what you need to do because your afraid, your "poop shy" 💩 

SOLITION - EITHER 1. Do the "flush and go" this is where you flush and do what you need to do.
2. Get like 5 or 6 sheets of toilet paper and stuff it down the toilet. this means there's a base for your droppings to land in so that means the sound will not exist.


EVENT - Ok so you're one of those people who always bring you homework in on time and you do it to an amazing/good standard however on this one occasion you happened to have forgotten your homework. Yh not really that good but then the teacher calls out everybody's names and asks if you have your homework and you say yes out of habit. Now when she goes to collect it you suddenly remember again that you don't have it.

SOLUTION - Well don't worry because if you're one of those good students then go and talk to the teacher in the morning and explain the you've forgotten you're homework rather than turning up to the lesson without any and this way at least they know and can maybe say "bring it in tomorrow".

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